There are 128 teams signed up for this tournament, 125 teams have the correct number of players with EA IDs entered.
Name | Tag | Seeding |
African_swag_169 | african_ | - |
ahollis | ahollis | - |
annarynn | annarynn | - |
Arjvee7 | arjvee7 | - |
Aronan17_TTV | aronan17 | - |
AustinHunter18 | austinhu | - |
Benjameeena | benjamee | - |
Billyjoe96 | billyjoe | - |
BrunoGismygoat | brunogis | - |
BURTY | burty | - |
CammCollierx | cammcoll | - |
Ceno | ceno | - |
CPLS7 | cpls7 | - |
crankydaboot | crankyda | - |
Cxzza17 | cxzza17 | - |
DamoDW | damodw | - |
DonFC7 | donfc7 | - |
Doyler | doyler | - |
DRUZB09 | druzb09 | - |
dylanpro11 | dylanpro | - |
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